Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I now have a facebook group! It's cleverly named Idaho Foodbank Community Gardens. There's not a whole lot going on there right now, but eventually it will be a source for announcements, etc.
I also have a little stint about me on the Idaho Foodbank facebook page, and because of it I got an e-mail from a local organic grower. She wants to donate some plants at the beginning of next growing season. Here's what it said (I'm famous, haha)!:

The Idaho Foodbank welcomes Beki Parham, a VISTA volunteer working with us as a Community Garden Coordinator. In time for the next growing season, Beki's goal is to develop a resource base for community garden projects, a central location and jumping-off point for community gardeners. Eventually, she wants to offer a small resource library, contacts, seeds, tools, and whatever else she can get her hands on for both the beginning and continuning community gardener. If you can help in any of these areas, please call Beki at 336-9643, ext. 246 or e-mail her at bparham@idahofoodbank.org

Hopefully this will get the word out somewhat! Because it would certainly be easier if people came to me. I am also hoping this blog may do a little of that as well. I was very excited when I checked my e-mail this morning and had a plant donation already! It gives me hope for this coming growing season and adds yet another contact to my database :)

Update: I sent out an e-mail to the director of the Idaho Office for Refugees. According to their website, they get plenty of calls from people in Boise who want to start community gardens. There's even a waiting list! They also comment "there isn't anyone coordinating gardens on a large scale in Boise". Hopefully that will change!! I'm sure they would have access to lots of great resources, including people with land and translators. If we want our information to be available to everyone, it should be legible to refugees as well! They also have a really amazing start-up guide that even includes potential costs for gardening.

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