Monday, October 5, 2009

Wait... it's October?!

How did this happen, anyway? October already?? Now that I'm not in school anymore, I am somehow stuck in an eternal summer... even though the weather is changing outside, my brain tells me it's still late August.
But as it turns out, I've been in Boise for three months already, and it's not August but October! The first frost has already hit us. In gardens everywhere leaves hang despondently in the chilly autumn air, spent after a (hopefully) fruitful season. I even heard tell of a possible snowfall in the near future. My Minnesota heart sings at the possibility of snow, and I am frankly quite pleased that the heat has been replaced with tolerable temperatures... no more sweating in my bed at night! It's even been raining the past few days!
But just because the gardening season is over does not mean my work is over. By no means! It only means I am moving on to greater things... Before too long, I need to begin finding funding, free supplies, and whatever else I can acquire, amidst meeting with gardeners. Even though I'm not in school anymore, this fall still marks a turning point in the year for me; we have the 2009 growing season now completely behind us. Somehow I can focus more easily on the task at hand. Though it's still far away, the growing season of 2010 is suddenly palpable.
I have a lot of work ahead of me, and it's beginning to take a shape that I can grasp. Though the growing season for community gardeners is at an end, the growing season for this community garden coordinator is just beginning. 2010 will be a great year.

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