Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I'm off to the frozen north once again tomorrow... and hopefully I can dodge a storm, the kind I like, that is supposed to rage for a few days starting tomorrow afternoon. My flight is in the morning, so hopefully, it'll be OK. Then I can be cozy inside my house, riding out the blizzard in front of the fireplace.
Gardening activities will resume in January... I'll be back in the office on Dec 30th, but the New Year's holiday will interrupt proceedings a little further. Think of it as a new year, a new start... we can all make resolutions in 2010 to plant a garden! At least, that's a resolution I plan to make. I requested a copy of the Seed Savers Exchange catalog and I plan to pick out a variety of heirloom seeds to try. I also have some prickly pear cactus seeds that my friend sent me from Arizona. It should be an interesting conglomeration!
Well, this is me signing out, wishing all of you the happiest of holidays!! However you celebrate them, I hope you are surrounded by those who you care about and who care about you, and that this much-needed break will prepare you for whatever 2010 has to offer.
Until next year.

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